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mama body tea, organic herbal tea for mothers
Our friends at Mama Body Tea have created a beautiful and organic range of herbal teas to assist mamas in navigating their pregnancy and breastfeeding journey. We are proud to now be stocking Mama Body Tea in store and online. Founders Jess and Jess share a little more with us about their brand and the benefits of these teas. xx Nb
MAMA BODY TEA, by Jess Spencer and Jess O'Brien
Mama Body Tea began when first time mum Jess Spencer was looking for a natural and chemical free way to settle her colicky and windy baby and to increase her breast milk supply...
Jess turned to her naturopath and herbalist and the pair developed organic herbal tea blends with medicinal and therapeutic benefits for both mum and bub. Truly amazed by the results on her baby Ruby, and her breast milk supply, and after endless chats with her mother’s group and girlfriends, she noticed she wasn’t the only mum with an unsettled baby and dropping milk supply looking for a natural, safe and effective product to use. Jess realised her mission was not only to provide the best for her baby, but also to share her formulas with mums all around the world and support them with high quality and delicious herbal tea blends that work!

Every blend in our Mama Body Tea range has been created with a unique combination of therapeutic herbs to support and heal the female body during pregnancy, post birth recovery and motherhood...
Our pregnancy and breastfeeding range are all caffeine free and of course organic. Below we share a little of some of our delicious blends and how they can support you.
MAMA’S MILK Lactation Tea: Full of renowned galactagogue herbs such as goats rue and fenugreek to help increase the supply of breast milk.
BABY BLISS TEA - Delicious and is perfect for breastfeeding mums enjoy with colic and windy babies. This blend is well balanced with herbs such as chamomile, fennel, aniseed and caraway which are widely known for calming properties and digestive support.
RASPBERRY LEAF BLEND - For women in their third trimester and post birth recovery, assists with strengthening and toning the uterus for birth. Plus it is great post birth to help with excess bleeding, ease contraction pain and help your milk come in.
MORNING WELLNESS - Helps soothe the feeling of nausea and motion sickness using traditionally known herbs with amazing therapeutic qualities such as ginger and meadowsweet.
PREGNANCY BLEND - Ideal to enjoy throughout your second and third trimester. Full of herbs containing vitamins and minerals to support a healthy happy pregnancy.
FERTILITY TEA - Designed especially for women trying to conceive. The combination of organic herbs are to support overall reproductive health, encourage hormonal balance and optimise every woman's chances of conceiving.
CHILL OUT MAMA - A beautiful blend of herbs such as chamomile and lavender to help calm the mind and nervous system for times when feeling stressed and overwhelmed. This mild blend is safe to enjoy throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.
DIGESTIVE TEA - This blend supports healthy digestion, reducing bloating and makes life a little more comfortable for you. Perfect to enjoy after meals!
Mamas can enjoy herbal tea as they transition through each trimester of pregnancy and post birth recovery...
We have put together a Trimester based chart to indicate when each blend is suitable. It’s a great way to know when to start drinking blends such as Raspberry Leaf as this is best to be enjoyed daily in the third trimester and post birth recovery. Drinking tea daily can be a lovely warming and nourishing ritual. Let the herbs soothe the mind and body whilst you rest and indulge yourself as much as possible.

Our body absorbs almost everything you put in it: the good and the bad...
Because our ingredients are derived from true, natural sources, you avoid harmful, synthetic, pesticides and artificial fertilisers that can build up and negatively impact your health.
When we are growing a baby and breastfeeding them, what we ingest is what nourishes our babies and helps their development. This is exactly why we opted to trade toxins for the healing power of plants.
Mamas feel and can notice results after drinking one cup of our herbal goodness.
Know that the feelings of joy, pain, exhaustion, amazement, relief, contractions, hunger, worry, fear, impatience, annoyance, frustration, excitement, gratitude and love are all a part of it. Every mama will endure highs and lows, and the best advice is to not judge yourself on other peoples' perceived perfect worlds and happiness.
Remember mamas,
You've got this!
You don't know how strong and capable you are until you are in the thick of it.
Love and happiness,
Jess and Jess xx